Pic by Juliet Murphy/Evening Standard

Our aim:
For the last nine years a former pub, The Rising Sun, on the boundary between Peckham and New Cross has provided affordable housing for around a dozen local people. Our community spans beyond the residents. Moreover, it’s an LGBTQ+ friendly, interdisciplinary cultural hub and studio complex that has been instrumental in launching the careers of a range of artists during this time.
“The loss of affordable workspace, and consequent outflow of artists and makers, is presenting a serious threat to the wellbeing and prosperity of a city so reliant on creativity for its success.”
The property was very close to being turned into unaffordable luxury flats, and we had agreed with the vendor to purchase the property ourselves, securing cooperative housing for up to 18 people in perpetuity, as well as building an independent, interdisciplinary cultural hub and studio complex for south east London.
After we raised a whopping £1.2 million, the vendor then delivered the damning news that he no longer wished to sell the property and so we went on to hunt for a new space for our community...
After a few failed attempts at buying other vacant pub properties (of course rich landlords were able to outbid us!) The Rising Sun's landlord has put our beloved space back on the market with an increase of £200,000.
We believe that the dark days of this crisis can lead to a better future, and we can make better, fairer cities that support people and diverse ways of life. The Rising Sun cooperative housing can embody an alternative to both private renting and owner-occupation, in democratic control, while providing environmentally-pioneering homes for 9-18 people.
Now, our mission is to raise another £200,000 to finally secure our home and vital community space.

How we are different
We are different from other creator houses in that we’re a registered co-operative and governance is completely democratic, by the creators, for the creators as oppose to being owned by any one platform or big company.
In just 5 years, London has lost over 17% of studio spaces. Accessible creative spaces are crucial for the community but they are under constant threat for a number of reasons:
Gentrification is pricing out artists.
Unique creative spaces get turned into luxury apartments.
The pandemic caused commercial cultural institutions to close their doors.

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